Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Budget to Clobber Sun Prairie for $1M More than Projected?

We  received this this afternoon from a Sun Prairie reader...
State Superintendent Tony Evers commented today on the Feb. 25 working paper from Dr. Andrew Reschovsky, a professor at the La Follette School of Public Affairs at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Reschovsky’s study, “An Analysis of the Proposal to Reduce Revenue Limits for Wisconsin School Districts,” is based on widely reported reductions in school aid of more than $900 million and a new revenue limit that mandates a $500 per-pupil reduction in property tax authority.
Additional information is available on the Department of Public Instruction newsroom website http://dpi.wi.gov/eis/pdf/dpinr2011_22.pdf. A printout of the impact of reported per-pupil revenue limit reductions for the state’s 424 school districts is available at http://dpi.wi.gov/eis/pdf/dpinr2011_22_districtprojections.pdf.
SP could face 4.6 MILLION less based on the link at http://dpi.wi.gov/eis/pdf/dpinr2011_22_districtprojections.pdf

Note:  Walker's Budget Bill calls for a slightly smaller ($834M) reduction in state aid, but further reduces the revenue limit (ability of a district to collect revenues) by another $50 per student, for a total reduction of $550/student.