...Board President Tom Weber's name came out of Santa's hat.
Tom has been absolutely awesome as a board president. Not taking anything away from him...but we really have had poor board presidents going back over 10 years. Nevertheless, Tom has taking this board to a much higher plane. And we know that he works diligently to make things even better. He is a fair an impartial individual, and for that we are thankful.
So what do we have in Santa's bag?
First...we have a couple of fine avocados. We hear word that Tom appreciates a fine avocado. We're not sure if he likes them straight off the tree or whether he's a guacamole kinda guy. So Santa tossed in a little light reading for him: "When life hands you avocados...make guacamole!"
We also hear whispers that Steve Schroeder is an avocado fan. Perhaps Tom will share.
As a stocking stuffer, Santa tossed in a copy of "How to Get Your Point Across in 30 Seconds or Less". No disrespect to Tom; he'll be the first to tell you that he's a talker. But communication is a good thing. Santa jut thinks this little giftie could help streamline board meetings even further.
Merry Christmas, Tom!
And a big SP-EYE thanks for all you have brought to the district.