Monday, May 31, 2010

The Boy Who Cried "Ashley!"

Three times the Ashley field lockers & turf proposal has been on the agenda. And three times, we get a bunch of information, but no one is ready to have a real discussion. In fact, the whole subject has yielded WAY more questions than answers.

The bottom line is that eyes are looking at the school board to the tune of another $425K. Haven't we spent enough?
  • Putting turf on Ashley field? Awesome idea.
  • Make Ashley field less "hallowed" and open it to other community uses? Absolutely!
  • Create more/better locker space? Sure...if you really think it's needed. But just don't tell us that visiting teams and referees need better "digs" too and then design something ONLY for the home team to use.
  • (With all due respect to Joni Mitchell...) Pave Ashley's baseball field and put up a parking lot? Gee...not so sure about that one.
Here's how things have progressed on the Ashley Field proposal.

4/26/2010, School Board meeting (Informational Items): comes the pitch....high and outside, ball 1.
Stackhouse indicates that he'll come forward with more complete information for a full discussion and action (hopefully) at the 5/10/2010 school board meeting.

5/10/2010, School Board meeting (official agenda item):
He's in the wind-up..the stretch...a curveball low and away...swing and a miss...Strike 1
Looking around the room, we don't see anyone but the usual suspects. Hmmm...wouldn't one expect a big presence and comments from the football folks to help grease the skids for this project? Ah, grasshopper, well your eyes serve you. Briefly it is discussed that the plan needs more time; a motion is made to bring the item back for discussion at the next FTT meeting.

5/24/2010, FTT meeting:
He gets the sign, here comes the pitch...a knuckler...swing and another miss...Strike 2.
Again, we note the lack of any "football" people in the room. This doesn't bode well. We're predicting a bail. Indeed, for the second time, Stackhouse pulls the plug on the agenda item indicating that some more information came in that needs to be reviewed. Our take: Costs have probably increased markedly over early estimates.