Tuesday, May 11, 2010

BBallGate: Legal Fees Mounting!

The first of what would be expected to be several months of legal fees associated with the administration's decision to remove girls' varsity basketball coach Liz Hrodey in mid-season are in.

Just shy of $6,000 in legal fees (so far).
(Looks like we just cancelled out the expected revenue from personal appliance fees)
That's a bit over 24 hours of attorney time at $240/hour.
That's a lawyer working three solid days. Begs the question: is that an oxymoron?

And that doesn't even TOUCH the amount of paid administration time spent cleaning up after this mess.

As one school board member put it last night, "We would have been better off just paying out the rest of her contract".
Yup...got that right.

Lawsuits filed?
We've heard from several sources that lawsuits were formally filed against the school district last week. Allegations are also surfacing that in addition to the district, Athletic Director Jim McClowry, High School Principal Lisa Heipp, and the parents of one varsity girls player were also served with papers and attached to the suit.

Anyone ever seen that grade Z Lifetime movie, "Fear"?
Can't you just hear Mark Wahlberg gritting his teeth and rasping,
"It didn't have to be this way, Mr. [Culver]" ?