Tuesday, May 4, 2010

BBall: Stage 5 Shenanigans Alert!

We declare shenanigans.

Thanks to a few of our school district employee friends, we obtained a copy of the internal posting of openings for coaches in the girls basketball program.

Hmmm....Varsity head coach position is "open"? Um....just a sec there Shrek....but in our last episode, were we not hearing that a grievance had been filed against the administration's action to "remove" Liz Hrodey? And wasn't there even a hearing before the school board scheduled--and then postponed?

Isn't it possible Ms. Hrodey could WIN the grievance and be re-instated?
So...isn't this just a tad too assuming?
We're just sayin'......

And what about the other coaches? This list seems to be the whole shebang. Including Jay Swanson's position. We don't recall his being involved in anyway.
And hasn't that guy been screwed enough already?

Again...we're just sayin'

The clip art is a nice touch, though. Very tasteful. And we kinda dig that it has clipart images of a tennis racket and a girl diving (not shown) even though all the positions listed are for basketball.

Isn't that what that feng shui happy crappy is all about?
Ok...you got us...we just like to say "feng shui". You should too. Let's start a movement. See if you can somehow work "feng shui" into your converstaions a couple of times a day. We're bringin' it back.

Turf on Ashley Field...how feng shui!