Saturday, June 11, 2011

Culver's Title Envy Still A Fire in His Belly?

Dr. Culver has been fairly quiet lately --at least publicly-- about his title.  But that all changed at last night's graduation ceremony.  In his congratulatory speech to graduates, Culver recalled,
" When you began kindergarten in 1998, I began in Sun Prairie as a “kindergarten” superintendent... " 
He still doesn't get it that there IS no superintendent in this district.  We have a district administrator.  Why can't that title be enough?  We have a CONTRACT for a district administrator...NOT a superintendent.  We're wondering if many of the not-so-positive things that have transpired in the district would have occurred had our "superintendent" been less focused on changing his title.

Oh, there's been work behind the scenes to change the title, mind you.  In fact, recently revised policy BDDI (we know...we know...our policy naming structure is the absolute silliest we've ever seen), revised in March 2011, introduces the two titles as interchangeable.

If you (or the person about whom you have expressed the complaint) are dissatisfied with the decision of the district-level administrator you, or they, may appeal to the District Administrator (Superintendent).

District Administrator Tim Culver may be contacted at 834-6502 or or at 501 South Bird Street, Sun Prairie