Friday, December 4, 2009

That $@#%! Community!!!!!

Everyone wanted their big fat raises...well...except for Local 60 workers, who didn't get what we'd term 'big fat' raises. Yes...RAISES...despite burgeoning unemployment, wage cuts, and furloughs across the state and nation.

And so the community said, "We've had enough of this outrageous spending" at the annual electors meeting as they reduced the tax levy by $2M. And NOW the district wants to snipe at the community? How dare they!

We've said it before...but perhaps we need to say it again:

If 85% of the annual budget is in personnel costs, then the ONLY long-term solution to keeping district spending (and thus property taxes) in check is to do something about the steady rise in personnel costs. We have a LOT of high paid management, folks!

You want to turn the temperature back up? Then give a tad more on personnel.