Tuesday, December 22, 2009

PC-Gate Continues - More Details Come to Light

Yesterday, we received a response from school district Technology Manager Michael Mades. We requested a complete accounting of the 1100 PCs planned to be purchased for the new high school.

Lest you forget....the doors will open with about 1400 kids, with a maximum of 2000 kids.

Mr. Mades provided the following accounting for the PCs:

Date: Monday, December 21, 2009 9:11 AM
From: Michael Mades

Subject: Re: PCs for high school

The 1100 computers for the new high school are designated as follows:

Computer Labs: 8 labs; 226 computers (26-29 computers per lab) [That's 28.25 per lab, or the high end of their range]
Classrooms/Instructional Areas: 749 computers (Classrooms: 5-13 computers)
Library Media Center: 52 computers
Offices: 38 computers (Administrative offices: 10, including administrators, secretaries, program manager and police liaison officer)

Staff work areas: 35 computers

Regards, Mike
Michael Mades
Supervisor of Technology
Sun Prairie Area School District
Sun Prairie, Wisconsin 53590
Phone: 608.834.6509

Please note, folks that the Classroom 2010 Technology plan calls for between 5-12 computers per classroom.
There's already ONE per classroom for the Smartboard in each class.
The plan is for 749 PCs in 100 classrooms (if every room is included), or 7.5 PCs per classroom.
So...once again, cutting 250 PCs (from 749 to 500) would STILL leave 5 PCs per classroom...which meets the range specified in the technology plan. If they REALLY need more later, they can request to purchase them down the road.
And the savings would allow the district to purchase the quality grand piano needed in the Performing Arts Center. Then maybe the Band Boosters can raise money for future service and maintenance on the piano, or to help bring in feature performing artists.

It's called compromise, school board...look it up. You might also find it under "equity".