Monday, December 7, 2009

$1,106,572 To $15,334

Jeopardy question of the week:
A ratio of 1,106,572 to 15,334

The Answer:
What is the ratio of ONE YEAR (2009-10) budget savings relative to PERMANENT savings approved by the school board at its November 23, 2009 meeting.

Batten the hatches and sew your pockets shut, because the bounceback WILL be here next fall. And that means a BIGGER double digit increase to property taxes next year.

If the school board doesn't mandate * PERMANENT * budget cuts -- and they didn't -- then come this spring, we'll be squarely back at square one. AND...we have the costs of opening the new high school and middle school to boot.

Someone PLEASE explain to the school board that one-year budget cuts don't cut it. We need to get the broom and make some sweeping changes to spending.

...or is the mentality that "they" (school board and district administration) can fill the room with a majority of electors at next year's meeting? Hmm.

That kind of gambling is an illness, folks.