Saturday, December 5, 2009

Skewed Sense of Equality at SPASD

Word on the street is that administration is forcing Local 60 workers to reduce their hours to what would amount to ONE "furlough day" (the same number of furlough days being imposed on administration). The mantra being preached is "Equality"....Everybody 'takes one for the team' and takes a furlough day to help save money and reduce the budget.

The Perfect Storm is raging upon us. SP-Eye predicted it on July 5th the storm is upon us and the lowly paid Local 60 support staff is going to take the brunt of the storms force square on the chin while admin and teachers get raises. about driving a wedge between the teachers and their support staff!

We understand that the District Office is telling Local 60 workers that they should take a voluntary furlough day. Local 60 said, "No", so the DO will impose it in the next contract. Morale is very bad and Local 60 see the administrators and teachers getting raises but they are getting bussed by admin. A true group of leaders would take another furlough day to prevent local 60 from a forced furlough day. The teachers (SPEA) voted against a voluntary furlough day.

Here's a novel idea. If the average Local 60 worker makes about $15 bucks per hour, while members of the $100K Club earn $50-60 per hour, why aren't administrators forced to take FOUR furlough days for every ONE day (8 hours) cut that is forced upon Local 60?

Who, exactly, is hurting these days? Do you think it's the fat cat administration sipping on their venti mocha lattes with real whipped cream and dark chocolate shavings? Or is it the Local 60 folks that get paid barely enough to operate from check to check?