Thursday, December 17, 2009

Computers: $700,000 Grand Piano: $0

Number of PCs being purchased for the new high school: 1100

Number of pianos being purchased for the new "state of the art" Performing Arts Center: 0

Number of students per PC on opening day at the new high school: 1.25 (1400 to 1100).

But NO grand piano for the performing arts center.

Wait....that's not entirely correct. The Bernie Powers Band Foundation is raising the $135,000 necessary to purchase a top shelf Steinway D grand piano for the Performing Arts Center.

They shouldn't have to.

This wasn't even worthy of an official agenda item at the school board's FTT meeting--only an "Informational Item".

Yes, (PCs) is important. But isn't music (and the arts) equally important??

N'est ce pas?

At $500 each....why not buy 270 fewer PCs and use the $135,000 savings to purchase a grand piano out of the referendum money??

That would still mean 830 NEW PCs at the new high school, for a projected 1400 students? Even taking out 100 of those PCs for staff, that leaves us with 730 PCs for students, or one for every 2 students. Even at capacity (2000) 730 PCs would translate to 1 PC for every 3 students.

And those are more than acceptable numbers.

Why should the public have to pony up more cash to buy a piano that should come included with a $100 M high school?

Ask your school board members. Instead of rationalizing things independently, they only rubber stamp what administration "suggests".