Thursday, March 11, 2010

Appliance Fees: Vampires, Mummies and the Holy Ghost

On Monday March 8, the school board reviewed Phil Frei's status of budget reductions. Mr. Frei reported that a motion which failed out of committee (citizens 2, board 3) was to repeal the infamous "Appliance fee".

Al Slane took the solitary position of offering a compromise, supporting at least a "Principal's option"to waive the fee if the appliance was being used for the good of the kids ("coffee pots don't get waived as --hopefully-- most of these kids aren't drinking coffee"). Albert got no love from his fellow board brethren and one would even second his emotion.

David Stackhouse took a shot a certain citizen, claiming that these very appliances are the "energy vampires" complained about last spring. Somehow, Jimmy Buffet came to mind.

Talk about denial
And dysfunctional things
Head’s like a bell somedays
It dongs and it dings
My brain playing tricks on me
It likes to shift gears
Spend lots of money
But I’m tackling my fears

Vampires, School Boards and the Holy Ghost
These are the things that terrify me the most

--(edit ted from) Jimmy Buffet: Vampires, Mummies and the Holy Ghost

In the end, the board voted resoundingly to retain the controversial Appliance Fees.
Someone take a memo:
Take that, SPEA...whup-isssh!
Love and kisses, your school board

Stackhouse's Energy Vampire jab
Hmmm...let's see...last spring, that certain citizen asked whether or not in it's $9,000 per month fee, Energy Educators Inc was even remotely discussing the issue of "energy vampires" within the district (that's a negatory, good buddies...what did you expect for $9,000 per month? Rubber bisquit?). Response: Nothing. Unless you count glazed stares and looks of disbelief.

NOW you want to raise it as a valid concern? We don't think so, David.

Appliance Fee Update
Man do we have some creative teachers! First came paying the appliance fee in pennies. Now we here that a number of creative staff have opted to make a check for their appliance fee payable to the utility company!!!

As Chris Farley (we miss you dearly, Chris) would say,
