Saturday, February 6, 2010

Top 10 in 2010

Yes...we know...2010 is only 1 month old. But you have to remember...this is our school district here. Most of what they do has the community's head shaking. And...for fear of the ever looming fear of being labeled "micro-manager", our elected leaders --the school board--- simply refuse to manage at all.

Who needs Letterman, Carson, Leno, or what's that other guy's name? We have our very own top 10 list.

1. Basketball Coach Fiasco
Been there; done that. Head Coach Liz Hrodey and Asst. Coach Steve Bartow were "suspended--with pay-- for the remainder of the season. Nothing of a sexual, physical, or criminal nature was involved. Based on multiple community commenters, many with involvement, it seems that 14 of the 16 varsity&JV girls bballers threatened to stage a walkout. They didn't like their coach's style, including making them run laps after losses (can you just feel the tears welling up?). The athletic Director, Jim McClowry, offered a resolution. The girls and their parents declined. So plan "B" was to remove the coaches.

Say Dr. this what you were referring to when you were quoted as saying,
Doing this is like being in the middle of a flight on a 747 and deciding what parts you’re not going to use for the remainder of the flight...”
2. PAC but no Piano
Does 'PAC' stand for Piano-less Arts Center? This fall we will open the brand new high school, complete with a stunning Performing Arts Center (PAC). They did not budget for a grand piano. The hope is that the Bernie Powers Band Foundation will raise private money to purchase one. The district is now looking to hire a PAC Manager. The high school is $1.075M under budget, but not one of those remaining dollars is planned to purchase a grand piano for said PAC. We have just one question: Can you even call it a PAC if it doesn't have a grand piano.

3. Winning Bidder writes the Bid Specs!
That's right folks, we budgeted $1.5MILLION dollars for furniture for the new high school. And then solicited a vendor of such furniture to write the bid specs. Then---who would have guessed?!----this same vendor won the bid!!!! It was the LOW bid, mind you....but...ya know?
The STAR said all that needs to be said

A lot of concern you have for that process is addressed in the way that the process worked through the system.” He said there was no cost to the district to work with him in developing the bid specs. The only way for Marshfield Book and Stationary to recover costs for those planning meetings is to participate in the bidding process.
---Dan Bubolz of Marshfield Book and Stationary (who wrote the bid specs and was winning bidder)
4. Tax to the 'max; (we'll out-vote the community, so) then just relax
The teachers union (SPEA) would like to continue getting big raises. So they suggest that the district tax the community up to its full DPI revenue authority. And just in case 200 of those whiny taxpayers show up to cut the levy next year (as they did this year), SPEA members promise to come out in force (enforce?) to outvote said whiny taxpayers.

SP-EYE report on the SPEA response

5. Budget Crisis? For 2010-11? Really?
There has been talk at the board table that the budget outlook is even worse for 2010-11 than for this year. That's is especially true because we are opening a new school (plus the new 'upper middle' school) and there are always mega-cost that go into opening a new school. So...wouldn't you think the board would accelerate the pace on the budget planning? If you thought "yes", you'd be wrong.

Other districts have already presented a draft budget--including MORE cuts--to their communities. Not so, Sun Prairie. Culver and Frei are in no hurry. It requires Finance Chair Terry Shimek and Board President John Whalen to get the their riding crops out.

"Keep in mind the message that came through [last Monday]. If the economy doesn't change we could be doing this all over again next year. I don't want to sit up front like that ever again." -(Finance Committee chair Terry Shimek 10-19-09 )

"The electors said that they do not want a 12.5% tax increase this year so I'm sure they don't want a 14-18% increase next year. " -(Finance Committee chair Terry Shimek 10-26-09 )

"What's important [from the annual meeting] is the message that came through that the people think we're spending to much and we have to cut back". -(Incumbent board candidate Al Slane 10-26-09)

6. Who Dat!
Can you imagine a FIVE TERM (hoping to make it 6) school board member would refuse to follow the vote of the school board to have each board member's picture appear on the district website? It's called "Community Engagement" know, as in, it's nice for the community to be able to recognize their elected leaders. Well, Caren Diedrich, "doesn't like her picture", so she refuses to have her likeness appear on the web. Maybe the community should decide they don't like her picture either and refuse to re-elect her.

Tomorrow, every time a Superbowl commentator utters the words "WHO DAT", we will laugh so hard we'll be exhaling bits of hotwings through our nasal orifices.

7. Charles in Charge? Who the hell is Charles?
Who's REALLY in charge of the school district?

8. Supersizing the Alternative Learning Center've NEVER seen this on a board agenda...has anyone noticed that enrollment at the "alternative learning center" has risen 23% since the start of the school year? That's right folks...enrollment now stands at 119, up from 97 as of the infamous 3rd Friday count. In fact, alternative learning now accounts for nearly 7% of total number of high school aged kids.

Now, don't get us wrong. We believe in the value of an alternative learning high school. In fact, Madison's Shabazz High School is a shining example of how alternative learning centers can reach those kids that cannot learn in a typical classroom environment. Does anyone realize that Shabazz serves as the alternative high school for the entire Madison school district, and it's enrollment total is 123 students--a scant 4 more than ours? Hello! McFly! Madison has nearly FIVE TIMES the high school level enrollment and our alternative learning center enrollments are the same? Is there a problem here? Shabazz has a rigorous application process. That's right...students don't get "put" there...they must apply and be accepted. The disparity begs a question...and we're just askin'.

9. A Charter School? NOW?
We would say that a looming budget crisis, opening a new high school, implementing a new 'upper middle school', and year 2 of the 4-year kindergarten program trumps Culver's dream of implementing a full-immersion Mandarin Chinese charter school in Sun Prairie. School really need to move that one to the far back burner. And turn the burner off.

10. SuperNintendo? District Administrator? Superintendent?
Which is it? WTF!