Sunday, February 28, 2010

Forgive them; for they know not what they do

As we enter the Lenten season, somehow the following verse seems fitting.

" Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do."
-Luke 23:34

Forgive whom?, you ask. Forgive the school district and school board, that's who.

For they know not what they do.
Well...doesn't THAT just go without saying!

What egregiousness have they come up with now?
Why "Personal Appliance Fees"---or PAF for short.
And let's not even get started with the PAF smear jokes.

Let us not forget that this genius idea was presented by none other than King Culver the I and his band of merry minions. Culver's "peeps" suggested that they should recoup the energy costs incurred by the district by those staff members that keep "personal appliances" in their classrooms.

What constitutes a personal appliance? Small refrigerators, small microwaves, small coffeemakers, even space heaters or fans. If it's personal, and electrical, it's fair game.

And get this: Phil Frei even calculated that theses "PAF"s use up to $6,000 of electricity each year! Shocking!

Yep...$6,000 on a budget of $68 MILLION dollars.
So the district wants to "save" $6,000, huh? about furloughing King Culver. Culver earns about $715 per DAY. Give him EIGHT furlough days (the same amount as all state employees are getting in both 2009-10 and 2010-11) and you have your $6,000.

Pinching pennies
At a recent Finance Committee meeting, Phil Frei stated that district-wide, staff are not happy about the appliance fees. In fact, several discussions have been had with SPEA regarding the legality of the "fees". Think for a moment: how exactly did they come up with the fees they are charging? And what about equity? Newer schools have a refrigerator per pod, rather than a single refrigerator for like 60 or more staff. Ever try to cram your lunch in a fridge with 60 other people?

Reports are coming in that more than a few staff have paid their "fees" in pennies in order to send a very loud and clear message regarding the staff's view of this ludicrous charge.

The shocking truth behind personal appliances
Here's what we think underscores how ridiculous and inflammatory these personal appliance fees really are. Ask a few teachers WHY they have a small refrigerator at their desk. If the district had taken the time to actually consult their staff before tossing them globally under the bus, they wouldn't feel as sheepish as they will very soon.

Sadly, many teachers keep a small "dorm-style" refrigerator not just to keep a can of soda or their lunch cool. In fact, the growing reality is that many of our students come from impoverished homes. These kids are frankly coming to school hungry. And when your belly aches from lack of food, it's pretty hard to learn. So...if you take the time to'll find that quite a few teachers keep something to help "fill the void" in their students until lunchtime. We hear that string cheese is a favorite. It gives the kids some nourishment without detracting from classroom learning. Oh...and who's paying for these? Not the taxpayers, Mr. McCourt. That would be yet another un-reimbursed cost borne by teachers without whining about it. So keep eating that sea bass. So...gee...when all is said and done, in many cases, the district is CHARGING the teachers for the energy needed to keep those nutritious snacks, paid for out of their own pockets, from spoiling.

Caren Diedrich and Jim McCourt...since you two so openly and emphatically stated your continued support for these fees last Monday night...don't you feel the slightest bit bad, now?
Best of luck to ya in the election on April 6th.