Monday, February 15, 2010

In Memoriam: Policy ABA

Does anybody remember "Community Engagement" know...the committee chaired by Jim "McSeaBass" McCourt? The same Jim McCourt that is currently seeking re-election? Of course, it's also the Jim McCourt that is so busy starting his new personal business that he missed 1 out of every 4 school board meetings in 2009, and is already accelerating that pace in 2010, having missed 1 of the first 3. When he does show up for Finance Committee meetings, he also has a tendency to show up late, as reflected by meeting minutes.

We understand that Mr. McCourt is busy starting his new venture, and we respect that. But he was elected to serve on the school board, and is SEEKING re-election to said school board.

There's is no seat open for a half-time, 2/3 time, or even 3/4 time school board member.

Since Mr. McCourt seems to have forgotten "Community Engagement", we thought we should take a a moment and pause to reflect on the memory of school board policy ABA, last reviewed in 2002, which speaks heavily on the matter of involving citizens in board decisions.

Adopted by the School Board: September 26, 1988
Revised by the School Board: January 8, 1996; August 26, 2002
CROSS REF.: BCE, School Board Committees; BDDH, Public Participation at Board Meetings

1. The School Board believes that the schools belong to the community and that the Board was created to serve the community and the children in the community.

Therefore, the Board shall exert all reasonable efforts to identify the desires of the community and to be responsive, through its actions, to those desires.

Board members shall remain mindful that they are elected to represent the citizens of the district.

2. All citizens of the Sun Prairie Area School District shall be encouraged to express ideas, concerns and judgments about the schools through such means as: written suggestions or proposals, presentations at hearings; responses to surveys, written instruments or other means; comments at Board meetings; and service on ad hoc committees as defined by the Board.

3. The recommendations of the community will be given careful consideration. In evaluating these recommendations, the first concern will be for the educational program as it affects students.

[and we especially like this one..]
All decisions will be consistent with the Board's goals and policies, the best educational practices, and the financial resources of the community.