Saturday, November 21, 2009

Microexpressions Are So Revealing

You may have missed this on the local news this week, but as part of
WKOW-TV's "Call for action" segment
, [Note: there is a 12 second Wisconsin lottery video preceding the segment] the district came under fire for a decision to no longer provide busing for middle school students living in the Golden Meadows subdivision.

Interviewer:" Phil....You've got to think something may be wrong with the system if parents are paying $100 per month for their kid to take a taxi to school when maybe the school bus should be taking them. "
Phil Frei: "Well, it could be, but it's been determined by the people of Sun Prairie that 2 miles is our limit."
Freeze the camera. Yup...right there when Phil turns slightly away from the camera, pauses to close his eye for an un-naturally long blink, and has a severely pursed lip. What does that expression tell you? And Frei's response to the interviewer....?

Come on, Phil! That doesn't even remotely pass the straight face test! The community did not make that decision...the school board did...based on the recommendation of administration (i.e., you).

The school board discussed this issue at it's July 27, 2009 meeting and voted 6-1 (Diedrich opposed) to eliminate the busing for middle school students from Golden Meadows. See the information at this link.

Why are you throwing the community under the bus?