Saturday, July 26, 2008

Stackhouse now up-to-date on taxes

On July 25, school board president David Stackhouse paid the remaining balance due on his delinquent property taxes, removing a bit of tarnish from the school board's image.

Thanks again to the community residents who brought this issue to our attention. Civic responsibility begins with paying one's taxes in a timely manner. It's simply reprehensible for any elected official...particularly one who is charged with levying property pontificate while in serious arrears on the very taxes they levy.

Again, we sympathize with Mr. Stackhouse and any financial difficulty he may be facing. Unfortunately, choosing to serve as an elected leader means living under the microscope of public scrutiny.

The outcome of this recent situation certainly clarifies how important Mr. Stackhouse's school board position is to him. Many would have chosen to simply step down and walk away.