Monday, July 21, 2008

School Board President Delinquent on School (and property) Taxes

A few folks have contacted SP-EYE regarding an unfortunate situation that school board president David Stackhouse apparently finds himself in. Several community residents, either separately or as a group, have learned that Stackhouse is and has been in arrears on his property taxes.

We understand that this information was uncovered as far back as this past January, but nothing has been said for several reasons...most notably that no one wants to publicize any financial hardship that David and his family may be going through.

The flip side of the coin is, however, that, as school board president, Stackhouse is the leader of a significant taxing authority. As more people have gotten wind of this issue, the general sentiment has turned to one basic issue...and that is our elected leaders need to be role models in all they do. It's simply wrong for a leader of a taxing authority to oversee an $80M budget for the school district and approve tax levies that s/he is not paying themselves--regardless of financial hardships. It's doubtful that any community would be very supportive of someone being in arrears on their taxes while serving as an elected official.

This is about ethics and accountability of our elected leaders. This is not--regardless of accusation certain to come-- a witch-hunt for Stackhouse. A rather large net was cast seeking similar problems of the entire school board and likely other elected officials. Unfortunately he was the one that got caught. David Stackhouse has certainly given a great deal to this community, both as a school board member and through his work with the Youth Football Program. Who Stackhouse is and what he has done for the community, however, don't mitigate a significant wrong. Being in arrears on taxes and an elected official are simply two worlds that cannot co-exist.

SP-EYE has received 2nd and 3rd hand information that Stackhouse was recently approached regarding his tax delinquency and asked to resolve it. As part of these discussions, Stackhouse has allegedly responded that he's "only a little behind for the current year" and that he "has been making payments all along". We also understand at least one current school board member (if not all of them) are aware of the situation and have no problem with it (although they may not have all the facts).

A statement dated June 20th from the Dane County Treasurer's office (which collects all delinquent taxes) indicates that:
  • property taxes for 2005, 2006, and 2007 are delinquent in their entirety

  • the total amount due is $14,006.37

  • the total includes nearly $2,800 in penalties and interest

  • no payments had been made in the past 3 years
After being approached about his taxes, Mr. Stackhouse made payment of about $9,000 on July 17, 2008. The delinquency, confirmed by the Dane County Treasurer on July 21, 2008 is:
  • property taxes for 2006 (partial), and 2007 (entirely) remain delinquent

  • the total amount due is $5,174.89

  • the total includes about $540 in penalties and interest
The question may arise: "who are these people? [who identified the delinquency]...", but that's not of concern here. $14,000 is a large sum and 3 years delinquency will be difficult to stomach by many of our senior citizens who can barely manage to eat half way decently yet they pay their property taxes. It's also hard to hear Mr. Stackhouse speak publicly about dedicating new schools "from the hearts (and wallets) of the community"...when he hasn't paid a dime until last week. Folks are now asking that if he managed to come up with $9,000, why didn't he pay his taxes previously?

This information is public record. All property records and taxes are open to the public via the AccessDane website. The Dane County Treasurer can also be e-mailed for any updated information at

Mr. Stackhouse has recently chosen the option to screen any searches using his name, but one can search on the property address, available via public record as 131 Jone Street City of Sun Prairie, or via the parcel # (282/0811-053-1503-8).

We sympathize with Mr. Stackhouse and his family as they deal with a difficult financial issue, but being an elected official requires one to set up residence in the confines of a glass house. The larger issue here is that the vast majority of the public would be inclined to agree that a position on the school board...let alone the not a proper fit for someone who is delinquent in paying the very property taxes that serve to fund the school district.

Should Stackhouse resign his position on the school board?