Saturday, July 5, 2008

No Committee Members = No Meeting

What if the school board held a committee meeting...but nobody came? By nobody, we don't mean no one in the community, we mean, no one on the committee...well except for the chair.

Our very own Concerned Citizen reports that

" I attended the HR committee meeting [June 30] at the District Office ...unfortunately of the 5 members on the committee only the Chair ( Caren Diedrich) showed up. No quorum--no meeting --goodnight all!!"

Sure, it's summertime, but that doesn't excuse responsibility...certainly of elected board members. It's not like this wasn't an important agenda. The following topics were on tap for action or approval:
  • the [basketball] co-head coach job description fiasco
  • a side letter of agreement to the SPEA [teachers] contract
  • a change in administrator contract days

Ahhh...but the board would likely say that we are focusing on the negative instead of embracing the positives. Tell ya what. We'll embrace the positives when the board stops sweeping the negatives under the carpet.

Community Engagement Task Force members, take a memo. Here's a free tip...and it's a simple concept. If you really want to engage the community, you might want to actually show up at committee meetings.