Sunday, October 28, 2007

School Board can't even make a simple determination.

How many school board members does it take to screw up? Just one. Take your pick.

Over a month ago, SP-EYE asked Jim McCourt, chair of the Finance Committee why Tim Culver's paid memberships exceeded the boundaries set by his contract.

McCourt had no answer, and Mary Ellen Havel-Lang tried to shut the discussion down, crying "Point of Order!" SP-EYE pressed on and asked why the Finance Committee approved the check to pay for Culver's Rotary dues. McCourt said he would look into it and get back to us. RRRRRRRIIIIGGGGHHHTTTT!

This past Monday, Dr. James Murray asked about the status of the complaint and was told, "We're not going there." So much for open meetings, communicating with the public, and a decisive school board.

How hard is this? You were wrong. Culver over-extended his contract, and someone needs to own up to the responsibility. The dues need to be reimbursed by Culver, and the Board should be demanding it. You can even issue an empty apology for the "oversight". Again...what the hell are you teaching our children???

These "leaders" want us to approve $100M for a referendum, but can't even manage to watch these simple expenses. Gotta wonder how much Sun Prairie is being fleeced on the cost of this referendum.