Saturday, October 6, 2007

The opponents of open records are at it again.

Once again some of our leaders are trying to shut down access to information. A cornerstone of open government is open records.

If you've followed any of the recent articles in the Wisconsin State Journal....

...then you are aware that Assembly Bill 418 (AB 418) is an attempt to restrict access to the Wisconsin Circuit Court Access system. AB 418 would restrict most people from viewing the web site, which is a repository for court records. The site - - describes basic information about civil and criminal charges and convictions in courts across Wisconsin.
The website is popular because it provides regular citizens --us --with a means to obtain information about other key people they encounter and in whom they place trust. For example, just about every parent has some concern about those individuals that interact with their children, such as child-care providers and coaches. It can also aid employers in screening job applicants.

Those with daughters of dating age, knowing this site exists, will undoubtedly check the record of potential suitors to answer questions such as, "Is she safe with him? Is he a safe driver?". Who could deny that information? Others may wish to check out elected officials or those running for election. There have been numerous incidents of elected officials mishandling finances over the year, both criminally and otherwise. Wouldn't it be considered prudent to check out elected officials and political candidates BEFORE problems arise?

Can this system be abused? Yes, can any other system. The point is that these records are OURS. Granted if charges are dismissed, we need to understand the person is not guilty. On the other hand, if the individual is found guilty, then perhaps they shouldn't have done the deed to begin with. You do the crime, you do the time, right?

Sun Prairie is no longer a small town. With growth comes not only positive things but some not so positive ones. Now that we no longer know every face, this site is critical in providing each of us with information about those people that we rely upon to spend our tax dollars wisely or care for our children.

Check it out at: