Sunday, January 22, 2012

"Our View" In Need of Corrective Lenses

In this week's editorial ( Our View: Finger Pointing) Sun Prairie STAR editor Chris Mertes jumped on the school board for indecision on the Ashley Field project.
  • The school board thought the Cardinal Quarterback Club was raising money. 
  •  The Quarterback Club found it difficult to raise money for something that had not been approved by the school board. 
  •  It’s time for a directive from the Sun Prairie School Board -- one that will be clearly understood not only by everyone who uses the field, but also so the public knows the issue will be put to rest and not simply hanging out there. 
 --Chris Mertes, Sun Prairie STAR editor 
 Perhaps Editor Mertes needs to read his own newspaper .  
A quick look into the archives finds that the STAR reported the following:

June 17, 2010 STAR- "Board authorizes fundraising for Ashley Field project"
 At the Sun Prairie School Board’s Monday, June 14, meeting, the board followed the committee’s recommendation to allow the Quarterback Booster Club for the football program to begin fundraising for the project.

Stackhouse said he wanted to be clear that the improvements to Ashley Field were not going to be just for the football program.

This is brought forward by the football program, but it’s for all the students,” Stackhouse said. “We want to make this truly a community field. It’s not just for football. It’s for the community.”  
He said soccer, youth football, lacrosse and baseball programs can use the field and benefit from the improvements.

The amount to be fundraised by the Quarterback Club is approximately $839,000. The amount of money the district is being asked to commit is about $475,000.

Stackhouse said the number one priority from the football program is the locker room facilities and then the turf, but “it’s a project that needs to be combined together to get the savings.”

They’re [the football community] willing to do their part if the district is willing to do their part in all of this,” Stackhouse said. “Essentially, we’re not saying, you’re building locker rooms by approving this motion. This motion is saying go start raising funds, and talk to administration about facts and work on the plan and figure out the district obligation.”

The board approved the motion to allow the Quarterback Club to begin fundraising for the improvements. Diedrich voted against the motion

 9/29/2010 STAR - "FTT to QB Club: 'Step Up To The plate' "
 Committee member John Welke said that the community members he sat nearby at last week's home football game had no idea of any of the proposed improvements.

“The community won't support it if they don't know about it,” Welke said. “I'm not sure what more support they [the Quarterback Club] need. The Quarterback Club should have been at the game with a table saying this is our vision. I love this idea, I love this concept, but somebody has to take the bull by the horns and lead it, and I think that's the Quarterback Club.”

Stackhouse agreed with Welke, adding that the Quarterback Club has to “step up to the plate.”

 3/24/11 STAR-
The board voted unanimously to approve the lowest bid for the architect work at Ashley Field and for the FTT Committee to establish the priorities for the Ashley Field project. The estimated cost for the architect fees for conceptual drawings of the locker room facility upgrades at Ashley Field is about $4,500. Diedrich did not vote, as she stepped away from the board table before the vote.

SP-EYE Level View
While we're not usually the biggest cheer squad for the school board, the school board has been abundantly clear regarding the "Ashley Field Project"--as reported by Mertes' own staff reporters.  Over 18 months ago, authorization to conduct fundraising was granted.  The school board paid $4,500 for architect work on the project. The Sun Prairie Cardinals Quarterback Club has done nothing.

School Board meeting minutes and STAR online history clearly indicate that the majority of funding for this project has always rested squarely on the community. It wasn't the school board that said, "Hey, let's spend some money and re-tool Ashley Field".  The "football program", with former board member David Stackhouse as its spokesperson, came forward with the idea.  And notably, they came forward only AFTER discussions were held regarding what to do with a surplus of $1.2M in referendum dollars.  It sure looks like people pushing for the project are only interested if the taxpayers fund it and they don't have to lift a finger.

Sure, the project price tag has increased, but that doesn't mean that the tax payers need to take up the slack...or all of it.  No one ever said this all falls on the shoulders of the Quarterback club, as the goal was to make Ashley accessible by many sport teams.  But the Quarterback club needed to...well...quarterback the effort.  Sadly the Quarterback Club's "quarterbacking" skills seem more Ryan Leaf than Tom Brady.  

Coach Hamilton very quietly and pointedly spearheaded a hugely successful effort to upgrade Summit Field, raising over $300,000.  And he represents only the baseball program.  We always hear about "Sun Prairie" football.  Well, they're not making any noise on this effort.  And imagine what they could accomplish if they worked with the soccer program, the lacrosse program, the Sound of Sun Prairie...just to name a few.

But they've done nothing in 18 months.  No one even attends meetings when Ashley is being discussed. Even the agricultural program had students and supporters present when the greenhouse was being discussed.  And they raised more than the vaunted football folks.

If you ask us...the board needs to halt any discussions regarding Ashley Field upgrades until someone starts waving a pretty substantial check...or a lengthy list of funding commitments.