"...someone needs to explain why we received via snail mail SIX, count ‘em SIX letters about Infinite Campus, one each to myself and my wife for each of our three kids. All of my letters were identical, as were all of hers. Makes no sense since the district has our e-mail address and has been communicating with us via Infinite Campus E-Mail all year. Another question is why we didn’t receive them until the kids have four weeks in."We've since heard similar stories from other parents.
We're MAILING six frick'n copies of the same letter to the same household?
Now honestly, does that make ANY sense?
The district pats itself on the back for being a technological leader and we can't figure out a way to delete duplicate (triplicate, quadruplicate, five-tuplicate, and six-tuplicate) letters going to the same address?
How many times have we heard about how hard the district has worked to cut costs and be more efficient...only to learn this!!!
We could go on...and on...but...you know what? It speaks for itself.