Do these people read the papers? Do they care about the seniors who paid for the foundation of this district yet who now are struggling to keep their homes? Do they look at foreclosures data to see the sheer number of individuals in trouble?
Is raising taxes the answer? Or is it time to further slash the budget? Dr. Culver is quietly developing a Mandarin Chinese program which the board has not approved....at least in open session. How many initiatives do we have going or have we started in recent years? Are we seeing success to warrant the spending there? Or is it time to pull the plug?
We looked at foreclosure data for just the City of Sun Prairie alone. Since January 1, 2011, 48 properties have been sold off. August was the peak month with 15 auctions scheduled, 13 of which were carried out with no stay of execution. 12 more are slated for September, 2 of which were sold yesterday.
It's beginning to sound like the budget will go directly to the school board (without initial approval by Finance as has been done every year) as soon as next Monday the 12th of September.
The zombies are coming...are you ready to take them on?