The good news? They actually reduced many of the line items we identified as being "pork infused".
The bad news? They didn't lower the projected tax levy...not one thin dime!

Board member John Welke was pretty vocal that he believed there was absolutely enough money available, without adding more, to at the very least provide for district priority initiative #1: providing tutoring for kids struggling in reading and math. Board members Weber and Camber-Davidson agreed.
As usual, McSeabass agreed that the district needs to do both initiatives 1 and 2, BUT he wanted to take the tax levy up to 3.95% (can we just call it 4%???) to do so. Whalen jumped on that bandwagon as well. Side note: at one point when the figure 3.4*% was questioned regarding the currently proposed levy increase, Tim Culver smiled and indicated that administration wanted to "exceed the board's expectations [of a maximum 3.5% levy increase]".
Caren Diedrich was surprisingly quiet, as was Terry "Waffles" Shimek. Shimek, however, suddenly came alive and engaged in a minor verbal skirmish with McSeabass, who had been trying to undermine what John Welke was saying. Shimek supported Welke and told McCourt so.
McCourt and Whalen UnHappy Campers?
What was also abundantly clear was that Whalen and McCourt are increasingly finding themselves on the minority side of things...and they don't like it. Both were quite snippy. Whalen even called out Welke on his "tone", suggesting that Welke's words could be interpreted that the board is not very supportive of staff. Nice try, Mr. Whalen. Go through the records. Welke has been nothing BUT supportive of teachers and staff. He just doesn't care for the money squandering [our words] and lack of solid information coming out of the district.
The Bottom line:
Folks...if you are not happy with a 3.5% tax levy increase, then don't be looking to the school board to do it. There just don't appear to be 4 votes to do so. Your only recourse, if you believe the district can do better, is to attend the October 17th annual electors meeting in force--and vote for a lower tax levy. Reducing the levy by $450,000 will reduce the tax levy increase by 1%. There are many that believe we can live quite well on a 2.5% increase...IF those members of administration that just like to spend money can break the habit and focus on spending that directly affects kids. You know...instead of taking trips to China and working on Mandarin Chinese program?
Remember...2 short years ago, the electors voted to reduce the tax levy by TWO MILLION DOLLARS over what the district proposed. Oh there was whining and moaning, and some talk from school board members to vote to dismiss what the electors voted. In the end? the district came in $1.3M UNDER [the reduced] budget!!! The question is...what would they have down with the $2M that was cut if it wasn't cut?? Imagine the taxes we'd be paying now.
Kindergarten King of excuses
Sister Mary Mojo, so hard to trick
What can I say
The dog ate my homework
That's my story and I'm sticking to it
That's my life and all that I got
Call me a liar, call me a writer
Believe me or not
----Jimmy Buffett & Jay Olliver, "That's My Story and I'm Stickin' To It"