Newly elected school board member John Welke will attempt to get at least three other board members to see reason at tomorrow night's meeting. We know...fat chance..right? But we appreciate that he's making the effort. That's more than can be said for other board members.
While other board members are desperately seeking ways to spend more money on athletic fields, Welke's message is a simple one: Safety first. Those among you with kids -or friends/neighbors with kids-- in the high school or upper middle school know that that one of the dark, scary secrets is that Sun Prairie High is no Beverly Hills 90210. Adding fuel to the already smoldering fire within is that next fall, high school freshman will be situated in the new "CHUMS", while grades 8-10 will go on to the new high school. Including the "Prairie Phoenix Academy (SOAR) alternative high school, that means THREE buildings for ONE Police Liaison Officer to monitor. Let's not even talk about the two middle schools.
The board already approved adding Youth Advocates numbers 3 and 4 for the upcoming school year, so clearly they see the need for increased monitoring and involvement. Youth Advocates are nice. They represent the touchy feely, kinder, gentler approach to dealing with what can frequently be a powder keg of young adolescent emotions. But they cannot ever be a police presence, and sometimes we need that. Today's schools are not the schools of the 60's or 70's. Times have changed.
Welke is right on. The priority should have been hiring a 2nd PLO over ANOTHER Assistant Principal. The cost of a 2nd PLO is about $60K, about half the cost of the assistant principal. The district has already announced unexpected savings from increase in SAGE class sizes of $200K. The board has only quietly begun discussing raises for administrators. An expected 3.8% raise will cost the district--and taxpayers-- about $100K.
Bottom line people...would you rather spend $100K (further) lining the pockets of (already) overpaid Administrators? Or would you rather spend only $60K NOW to ensure the safety of our kids? And, unlike the administrator raises, which only cost us more each year as they in turn get "raised", the district has already committed to adding the 2nd PLO NEXT year. So all Welke is talking about is a one-time $60K investment to bridge the gap.
Makes perfect sense. No wonder why the other 6 board members don't get it.
Welke Recommends Adding a 2nd Police Liaison Officer for THIS year (2010-11)
In his situation report available on
BoardDocs, Welke recommends:
For the reasons cited above I am recommending that the School Board:
A) Approve the 2nd SPLO position for the 2010-11 school year and use SAGE program savings to fund the position.
B) Direct administration to write a letter of intent to the City of Sun Prairie Police Department indicating the SPASD’s desire to add a second School Police Liaison Officer by the beginning of school in the 2010-2011 school year (i.e., after July 1, 2010) so they can consider how to plan for their portion of the budget for this position.
C) Direct Administration to continue to seek out and apply for grants that may offset the costs of the SPLOs.
The liaison officer interfaces with prevention and social services and is proactive to prevent violence. Wilkinson is responsible for working with staff at the high school, both middle schools and the alternative learning center in the former junior high.
“Our way of thinking is that when the new school opens, [he will be responsible for] five buildings,” [Police Chief] Anhalt said.
Beyond the additional responsibility, the SPPD favors it because of community priorities. Anhalt said he is asked constantly in the community about the schools, drugs and gangs.
“I get a sense this is a priority for the community,” Anhalt said. He said he also believes it is a great place to devote more resources because the officer provides prevention. The chief said he also support it because it fits with the mission of SPPD and that a second liaison officer is a big part of that.
“What [Police Liaison Officer Wilkinson] Jack does so well is he really builds those positive relationships with kids,” [Sun Prairie High Principal Lisa] Heipp said. Wilkinson is in the school during lunches, and is visible with kids to build positive connections.
“He is actually that supportive person who can help problem-solve with kids,” Heipp said. But when Wilkinson is spread so thin, the officer turns into reactive position.
“The more area he has to cover,” Heipp added, “the less powerful that proactive presence is.”
Board members and District Administrator Tim Culver reiterated the previous discussions about the position, which was essentially that the board has planned to add the second liaison officer for the 2011-12 school year.
New board member John Welke disagreed, saying the district needs to hire another officer. “I’m very concerned about how watered down . . . that’s going to get,” Welke said.
Quotable Quotes
[Deputy District Administrator and Business Manager Phil Frei] "... the board voted to forego adding a second police liaison officer for the 2010-11 school year due to budget concerns."
--Phil Frei, Budget Hearing May 20, 2010“It’s a lot of money for the second liaison officer, know we’re trying to get it under a grant, but long term, I don’t think we need a second officer.”--former board member Al Slane (4-12-10 School Board meeting)
Youth advocates great, but liaison officer I’m not totally convinced. That’s a bigger price tag.”
--Board member Jim McCourt (4-12-10 School Board meeting)
the district should go a year without the officer first to see if it is really necessary.]
With the youth advocates, we might not have that need,”
---Board member Terry Shimek (4-12-10 School Board meeting)
the board has been asked for years for a second liaison officer and] “
we’ve always said no. [
the message the board should send the city is that they’ll go without a second liaison for 2010-11, and then see if a second officer is needed. ]”
--Board member David Stackhouse (4-12-10 School Board meeting)
The board approved the letter of intent for a second police liaison officer for the 2011-12 school year 5-2. Shimek and Slane voted against it.