Sunday, April 11, 2010

Referendum Shenanigans Afoot?

Such questions!
A school board member SPEARHEADING a campaign to wrestle referendum dollars? Is that something an elected official WHO WILL VOTE ON ANY SUBSEQUENT NMOTION should be doing? Or worse create ANOTHER referendum? Here we go again...quiet Monday night shenanigans, hoping that only those voices "in the know" and who will support this movement will be in attendance.

Concerned Taxpayer has a valid point. Perhaps it was NOT a good idea in the first place. Why did we build a high school with new sports fields with the intention of playing football on Ashley Field? And more importantly...who declared this recession over with? Are people in any better financial shape to be spending MORE money? And why is it that---without community pressure---the music people would have had to pay 100% of the cost for a concert grand piano, yet Stackhouse wants to spend MORE tax dollars on sports?

It is time to blow the dust and cobwebs off of the mystery behind Ashley field. During the high school planning phases, several times comments from the school board table indicated that, as part of the Asley family agreement, something along the lines of "If the SPASD varsity football does not hold its home games at Ashley Field, then the school district loses the ownership of the land". It's time to tell the truth and tell it publicly. What legal holds are there on Ashley Field?

Here is something that needs to be blogged and squashed IMO. The football people made a decision to use Ashley field, and now they want to upgrade it when there is some extra money laying around. There is no way we get that money back just so the players can dress at the stadium. I think the original decision was dumb, but I don't think this is something that we should be dropping $600K+ on!

Concerned Tax Payer
Begin forwarded message:

From: "Tim Culver"
Date: April 10, 2010 8:09:39 AM CDT ......on a Saturday, no less!

Subject: Re: Ashley Field/ Football questions

Phil [Frei] & Jim [McClowry]:
Please prepare the response to David's request. Please put together and deliver your report to him (and the whole Board) by Friday April 16.

Thank you,


"DAVID STACKHOUSE" 4/9/2010 1:50 PM >>>
Tim, Phil and Jim,

I have been approached by the football community to spearhead a campaign to upgrade the facilities for Ashley field.
They will present at Monday's board meeting and I will follow-up with a situation report for the April 26 meeting.

Information that I am looking for:

Referendum presentation material for the new high school.

Bond counsel's opinion on using referendum dollars for improvements to Ashley Field.

Attendance at home football games for a typical season:
1. Number of paid attendees.
2. Dollar amount of admission receipts.

How much does the district anticipate it will cost annually to transport athletes from the new high school to Ashley field for games?

How much does it cost the district annually for maintenance and preparation at Ashley field?

How much revenue can be generated by a one year levy based on $12 increase to a house valued at $200,000.
I.E.: If a referendum was offered for a one year period that the average house paid $12, how much total dollars would we receive?

On construction at Ashley:
1. If we use referendum dollars, are we locked in to using Findorff?

2. If the funds are generated separately, are we locked in with Findorff or is another contractor acceptable?

I believe I will most likely have additional questions, but this should get me started.
