Thursday, April 15, 2010

Monte is Disturbed...Film at Eleven?

From the Poking the Bear Department:
Having published the following letter in the STAR, it seems that Monte Couch wanted the world to know that he is disturbed... so we'll reprint his little missive here.

Monte is a nice guy....really. He's just gotten a little cranky of late.
Now that Mealy character....that impish hack.....he's something else!

We think, however, that some of Mr. Couch's own words might be tweaked a bit and be cause for his own introspection:

"Those who write cheap shots to try to aggrandize their assumed lofty position in the scheme of things may attract limited attention but do not in our opinion contribute anything useful."

If he's so disturbed...offended...whatever....we suggest Mr. Couch refrain from sneaking peeks at the SP-EYE blog. Life is too short.


4-8-2010 8:55am

Howdy Al !

Some of the results of the election were a bit of a surprise to me. Thinking it over, it my be that because you were set up as the lead guy, promoting just before the election, more heavy spending, it cost you some votes. That led me to wonder why in the world, those decisions were timed as they were.

We thank you for serving on the board. You offered some needed common sense in a number of situations for your fellow board members consideration. Your sincerity and efforts on various matters compared to the light hearted efforts of others was pronounced. None of us agree on the positions others take from time to time, but you made your analysis of the information available, and quietly offered your decisions. Often you offered your reasons why or how you arrived at the decision you made.

Someone suggested I look at the current posting by Rick Mealy on his blog following the election as it was worth a laugh. I looked, and was disturbed he would use the web to belittle like that. Trying to post facts, offer careful analysis, is one thing. Those who post cheap shots to try to aggrandize their assumed lofty position in the scheme of things may attract limited attention but do not in my opinion contribute anything useful. Just want to make sure you know I do not support the blabbering of Rick Mealy.

Some people may think former board members should hunker down and go away. I do not subscribe to that idea. We thank you for serving, and I hope you will as a former board member, continue to follow board activities , offering your considered thoughts from time to time.
monte couch