Saturday, September 6, 2008

THIS is what it's all about...

In the end, folks, this is what it's all about:

Patrick Marsh Middle School reading specialist Sandra Kowalczyk has been named Wisconsin’s Middle School Teacher of the Year. Only 100 Wisconsin teachers received the Herb Kohl Educational Foundation Fellowship Award for 2008. But only ONE of those 100, Ms. Kowalczyk ,was named Wisconsin’s Middle School Teacher of the Year. She is indeed the best of the best.

...and she did it by teaching.
Congratulations to Ms. Kowalczyk for just doing it.

Some of the highlights of her work:

  • Her inclusion of international experiences in the curriculum has excited and engaged students in reading as well as in global literacy.
  • Her “Wear in the World,” program , combining art, reading, writing, and geography, received a Bridge to Understanding Award from the United States Board on Books for Young People.
  • Her “Breakfast with Books” program, supported by the Sun Prairie Education Foundation focused on reading achievement of at-risk students and students of color by involving them in book talks and other literature-related activities while enjoying nutritious breakfasts.

How Does This Affect Student Achievement? on the back of each school board member's nameplate at each school board meeting. They like to think that it is THEIR actions that affect student outcomes. But they're wrong. Quietly, without fanfare, Ms. Kowalczyk delivered. She didn't pontificate. She did it without a soapbox. She used her own creativity to inspire kids to read and learn. We are correct to focus on reading, because reading opens so many doors to learning. But talking about it and doing it are quite different things. While others "talked the talk", Sandra Kowalczyk has been walking the walk.

Our hats are off to Ms. Kowalczyk. Many schools and schools districts produce educational "buds", but Ms. Kowalczyk nurtured her "buds" until they blossomed brilliantly. And for that she has earned this most distinctive honor. Her efforts are a shining bright light on Sun Prairie, and serve as a model for what can be achieved.

School board members....get your pens and pencils out and take note. THIS is how you affect student achievement. In the trenches. Working directly with the students. In a classroom, not a board room. Using innovation, creativity, and thinking outside the box. You could learn a lesson here.

Its not about constructing palatial buildings, or arranging administrative meetings over lunch so you can buy pizza on the taxpayer's dime. It's not about boondoggle retreats. It's not about boneheaded boundary decisions. It's not about $400 steak dinners (although Dr. Culver should use some of his $425/month "miscellaneous income" and buy Ms. Kowalczyk a $50 steak dinner--this one is worth it).

It's about good teachers. And this one is a gem.

Sun Prairie article

On the Sun Prairie Area School District website