Friday, September 12, 2008

There's Partial Truths and Then There's...

At the September 8th school board meeting, during the public input portion of the pool referendum discussion---which was approved, by the way---the issue of school board president David Stackhouse's tax delinquency earlier this summer came up once again.

Roger Fetterly had just finished trying to get the board to understand that these are difficult times in which to ask residents for more money. Fetterly commented the following:

"I don't think you realize the financial pain you're causing to the residents of the school district. We answered this question not that long ago. You had a referendum, and it failed. No swimming pool and no increase to the revenue limits. You want to increase borrowing by $3.9 million. We are already overtaxed."

Fetterly added that the Sun Prairie Area School District has a debt ($170M) higher than any other district in Wisconsin, except Milwaukee. "And you want to add more to it....You're overtaxing us." Fetterly said.

Fetterly reminded the board of the number of Sun Prairie Business that closed recently, including Herman's and Heckels. Noting that these businesses pay property taxes that the schools depend on, Fetterly commented to Stackhouse, "You understand about not paying taxes, right Dave?"

Stackhouse responded angrily that he "...had some financial difficulties but I corrected [the tax delinquency] as soon as I learned of it."

Actually, Mr. Stackhouse, that's not true...and you know it. SP-EYE received copies of Stackhouse's delinquent taxes on June 20, 2008. This information, secured directly from the Dane County Treasurer's office, shows a 3 year delinquency, with accumulated penalties and interest.

Certainly, Mr. Stackhouse knew about the tax delinquency LONG before he paid the full amount due in two installments this past July. I mean...seriously, it or not we all get in line to pay our property taxes every December. And NOT paying them means you don't get a tax credit on your income taxes, so it's not something one would just forget to do for 3 years.

It's exactly this kind of inaccuracy in public statements that underscores the lack of trust the public has for the school board. You want to get a referendum passed? You might want to start by telling the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.