Saturday, August 16, 2008

Pool Referendum for November?

The school board is edging ever closer to setting up a November 4, 2008 referendum to add a pool to the high school construction project. The FTT discussed the project at its Monday August 11 meeting, and an informational update was provided during the full school board meeting.

Fast Facts on the Pool, Take 2.

The projected cost is $3,892,500.

Annual operating costs (1st year only) are projected to be an additional $397,000.

It is estimated that $96,000 of annual operating costs could be offset by public user fees.

Estimates assume 51,750 public "user visits" per year.

Initial estimates suggest that a referendum to exceed the annual Revenue Cap of $288,205 is required.

For a Nov. 4 2008 referendum, school board must vote to go to referendum by 9/8/08. That leaves 2 school board meetings (where the public may comment on the idea): 8/25/08 and 9/8/08.