Saturday, May 3, 2008

Catch the School Board...Unplugged

If you attend ONE school board meeting, this is the one that you should attend:

o Tuesday, May 6, 2008 5:30 p.m.
o School Board work/study meeting,
o at the School District Office (Room 106)
o 501 S. Bird St., Sun Prairie.

See the school board with microphones and camera off (of course, seeing the agenda, this is probably the one meeting that SHOULD be shown on TV).

The agenda includes the following:

4. Individual and Board goals (Policy BA)
5. Committee assignments (who will chair which committee)
6. Liaison selection
7. Policy & procedure review
___A. BHA, New Board Member Orientation
___B. BHA-R, Board Orientation Procedures
8. Questions & answers regarding the following documents:
___A. Wisconsin Public Records Law
___B. Wisconsin Open Meetings Law
___D. 65.90 Municipal budgets
___E. 19.59 Codes of ethics for local government officials, employees and candidates

Issues such as Open Meetings and Open Records have plagued the school board both recently and in years past. This meeting will give residents an opportunity to see the board discuss how they plan to address these subjects. The only rule for attendance is that, unlike a routine board meeting, where the agenda provides opportunities for citizen input, this session is for the board members. But we do get to observe.

...and don't be discouraged by the fact that the meeting is being scheduled in a tiny conference room at the District headquarters. This meeting, like all other school board meetings (except those few which meet criteria for a closed meeting), MUST be a public meeting.

More importantly, there should be NO reason why the board should feel uncomfortable discussing these subjects openly. This doesn't have to be a touchy-feely kumbaya session. It NEEDS to be a frank discussion about the school board's legal and ethical responsibilities. And those are things, we, the public DO have a right to be in on. We encourage folks to attend this session. If the close quarters get cramped, the board should do the right thing and move it to Room 100, the District's large meeting room.

Do you think there will be pizza or subs??