Saturday, June 23, 2012

Who Knew?

Did any of the Sun Prairie School Board members know about the 10% budget cut that Phil Frei implemented for all district departments?
It was clear, if you watched the June 11th school board meeting, that John Welke did not.   From the look on his face, board President Tom Weber seemed to be outside of the loop as well.

But did ANY of the board members know?
Did Culver perhaps share it with Caren Diedrich during one of their reputed weekly lunches together? ( that where our $125/month "stipend" goes?  Lunch with Mrs. D?)

Who knew?  We're betting SOMEONE knew.
And that would underscore yet another problem in this school district:

Dr. Culver does not share all information equally with all board members.
...and why would that be?

Of course, it's annual performance review time for Dr. Culver.  Do ya think any such concern would appear on his evaluation?  We're betting not.  Decorum, dontcha know.