At last Monday's school board meeting, Al Slane made a motion to return $50,000 which was cut from individual school budgets by paying for it out of the ginormous slush fund ($7.8M) known as "fund balance". Unfortunately, only he and Jill Camber-Davidson saw the wisdom in doing so. Slane's motion was defeated 2-5, with Whalen, McCourt, Shimek, Stackhouse and Diedrich voting against.
Stackhouse claimed, "The more money we take out of fund balance, that affects our credit rating and standing."
Come on, David! You're being disingenuous to say the least. That 50,000 represented 0.64% of the fund balance slush fund! THAT would do NOTHING to our credit rating. You also already agreed to take $200,000 out to repay a property tax charge-back and another $183,060 to pay for issuing the last $6M school bond. What's another $50K to give teachers what they need to do their jobs?
Phil Frei said, "Every year schools return unspent budgeted money." Sure...that's technically correct. But you and administration also strong arm teachers with warnings not to "spend it like you'll lose it if you don't". Gee...but that's exactly what happens!