Sunday, November 2, 2008

Kids being shuttled OUT of brand new school?

This is a tale of two lists. One list was provided with the school board packets for 10-27-08. The other was requested of the District on 10/24/08.

The reason for the request was that several individuals reported to SP-EYE that students were being shuttled OUT of the brand new Creekside elementary.

Ludicrous, you say! Creekside is a brand new school that is barely half-full! There's no WAY the district would be shuttling students OUT of Creekside. Or is there? Stranger things have happened in this school district. When you get less than 40 residents of voting age to attend the annual elector's meeting, it can look pretty easy to slide one by the goalie.

That sounds like one of those political ads that can only be deciphered after a visit to

The list below is taken directly from the "Sun Prairie Area School District Enrollment Breakdown" Reported dated 10-1-08:

THEN, we have the OTHER list received on 11-1-08 in response to an open records request:

Can't you just see Tom Cruise grilling Jack Nicholson in "A Few Good Men",

"Why the two lists, colonel?"

Simple error? Sure. Could be. But the list actually gives bus names associated for the Creekside to Westside run. That seems a tad less error-y, doesn't it?

Conspiracy theorists might suggest that there is some value in trucking kids over to Westside because it is a SAGE school. For every child (as of the 3rd Friday count), grades K-3, in a SAGE school that is eligible for free or reduced price lunch ("F/R"), the school district receives $2,250 in state aids. But no one would actually believe such a thing. We're just sayin'.

Whatever the reasons, be this a simple error....or something else, do you hear something? That voice coming from the other room? " have some 'splainin' to do!"