Tuesday, June 24, 2008

1 and Done; Carrel Steps Down from School Board

For the second year in a row, the Sun Prairie School Board will have to pull out its playbook for replacing a school board member outside of the election process.

With little fanfare--other than an 11th hour, subtly changed meeting agenda item to "discuss Procedure BBE-R, Guidelines for Filling Board Vacancies"--- Jim Carrel announced at last night's meeting that his recent change in employers will require him to relocate out of state. Consequently Mr. Carrel will be stepping down effective August 1, 2008.

That means that in addition to filling committee vacancies, the board will have to accept applications, interview, and select someone to finish the rest of Mr. Carrels' year in office. Next April, there will be elections for John Whalen's seat (3-yr), Terry Shimek's seat (1-yr), and Jim Carrel's seat (1-yr).

Last year proved interesting when the board selected Tim Boylen to keep Jim Gibbs' seat warm, offering not a single board member vote for Rick Mealy....despite coming in less than 35 votes behind Jim Carrel and a very close 3rd to John Whalen in 2006. Hmmm....fill the board seat with someone that the public clearly showed significant interest in? Nahhhh. The board members don't like Mealy or his views. Damn what the public wants...its all about what the board wants.

Even more interesting was that Boylen's interview lasted about 5 minutes via cell phone from his vacation in lake country up north. Perhaps Boylen's appeal was that he served in a Phil Frei role in another school district. Our board likes its members to be in tight with district administration.

If last year's actions suggest that the board gives no credence to how someone fared in a recent election, then I guess that means its unlikely the board would select Mary Ellen Havel-Lang (who came in 4th this past April) should she choose to vie for Carrel's seat....or Al Slane who also garnered quite a few votes this past April...and who continues to stay engaged with the school board. Maybe the board can call back Tim Boylen for an encore performance!!! There ya go...Tim Boylen, the "Replacement School Board Member".

SP-EYE wishes Mr. Carrel the best of luck in his future endeavors.