Saturday, February 16, 2008

Carrel admits deceit; ashamed to be a board member

Jim Carrel finally stripped off his sheep clothing and exposed his true persona at the February 11th school board meeting. First, Carrel admitted that his motion to table the Boundary Task Force vote at the previous meeting was a deceptive tactic at best designed to give him time to rally his supporters. Then on Monday night he tossed aside the Boundary Task Force's recommendations, offered his own plan, and then exploded when school board members rejected his plan. Perhaps his most important statement was publicly announcing that he was "ashamed to be a part of" the school board. You know, Mr. Carrel, you can step down.

The community deserves an opportunity to fully appreciate what Mr. Carrel is really all about, as evidenced by the following quotes:

On a deceitful tactic to delay the vote of the Boundary Task Force recommendations:

[his motion to table boundary discussion pending evaluation of removing SAGE from the Bird school] "was just a parliamentary move to stop a moving train."

"It just seemed like the only thing to say to get it to stop because you cant table a recommendation for no reason."

"We're not going to move SAGE from Bird, we just needed some parliamentary procedure to stop what I considered an inferior project"

"I didnt have any intention of removing SAGE from Bird. It was just a stalling tactic because the project on the table is flawed and we have to fix it."
First of all, Mr. Carrel is not as "in the know" as he likes people to think he is, because Robert's Rules of Order do not require any reason to be offered to table ("lay on the table") a motion. Want the facts? Read about these motions here:

So...what Carrel really meant to say was that he needed to come up with a plausible excuse--in his mind--to delay a vote. Mr. Carrel has been very quick to point the finger at citizens costing the taxpayers money associated with complaints regarding [alleged] violations of open meetings laws. Has anybody asked what costs were incurred as school district staff spent time reviewing the SAGE program to prepare to a response about SAGE at Bird? A response that was never needed once Carrel admitted that the whole "get rid of SAGE at Bird" was a clever ruse to delay a vote. Carrel apparently used his time to meet with affected parents from Bird. Don't even think about telling us that part of his discussions did not include ideas to push his "grand plan".

To the other school board members after his motion was doomed to fail:

"Because you've all stated your opinions and are going to vote my proposal down, I'm ashamed to be part of this group."
"I cant imagine how the rest of you can look yourselves in the mirror and accept

If Carrel is so "ashamed" to be a board member, then perhaps he should step down. This is a guy that preached the need for "decorum" at board meetings and to eliminate personal attacks. Carrel was out of line Monday night, and is clearly not what this community needs. He is a maverick. He also waxed poetically during the elections last year about being a "consensus builder". He didnt build any consensus Monday night. The wolf (coyote???) has been exposed for what he truly is. This is clearly a perfect example, of "if I can't play, I'm taking my basketball and going home".